November 14th, 2022
The support package 09 for xtMail Suite Version 500 is available now. While it mostly contains bug fixes, there are also a few new features
New Features:
New recipient type (G) for a fixed e-mail address
New recipient type E (accouting clerk)
New attachment type P for archived original files (created by print and archive)
Improved Features:
New parameter KOMPBV3 (item data) for /CONLUTIO/IF_XTMS_BADI_NG method KOMKBV3_FILL
Recipient type N (NAST) supports personal numbers (e.g. ZM) now
Support for access sequences with constants in dummy output types
Support for new S/4HANA 2020 data model for storing GOS Attachments, when determining file extensions with more than 4 characters
Correction for the switch to xtMail Suite in V7 print programs (method S4_SWITCH_PDF)
Recipient type N (NAST) found too much recipients, if no default-address was maintained in partner
Signature for sender type F (accounting clerk) was filled with wrong data
Empty filename for attachments type O (GOS) in rare situations (if TOAAT-FILENAME is empty)
Contact persons with no partner function were not found (new bug from 500-08)
CC flag in dummy output type condition recipients was not reseted for further addresses
Access sequences in dummy output type with non-character fields could cause a dump
Purchasing cockpit: Navigation to contracts and scheduling agreements are working now
Purchasing cockpit: When maintaining e-mail data, partners were determined incompletely
When using print preview in ME21N, a dump could occur in NG_CHECK_RECIPIENTS_EXIST
When using the new direct upload to archive (function from 500-08) in Create-Transactions, a dump could occur
Please write a mail to if you want access to the new support package.