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March 24th, 2023
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The support package 11 for xtMail Suite Version 500 is available now. Changes are ...
Department and department description is now shown in contact persons dialog
Deletion of "direct upload" attachments is now supported when stored in external archives
Change: Performance for MM cockpit improved
Dummy Partners (NG_GET_DUMMY_ADRNR) didn't work for module V7
Various stability improvements
December 5th, 2022
The support package 10 for xtMail Suite Version 500 is available now.
Full support for BOM explosions to find attachments (MM only)
Success message in output type log, if mail was processed by xtMail Suite
UI recipients list - new columns for contact person function and department
New Parameter KOMPBV1 (item data) for /CONLUTIO/IF_XTMS_BADI_NG method KOMKBV1_FILL
New Parameter KOMPBV2 (item data) for /CONLUTIO/IF_XTMS_BADI_NG method KOMKBV2_FILL
New Parameter KOMPBEA (item data) for /CONLUTIO/IF_XTMS_BADI_NG method KOMKBEA_FILL
New Checkpoint group to analyse attachment determination (Transaction SAAB)
Performance for V3 cockpit improved
Jumping to documents from purchasing cockpit always in "change"-mode now
Module QM - Workpapers were not determined correctly sometimes
Module QM - communication language determination improved
Module MM - Maintaining maildata in ME31L and ME31K is now possible without opening output types before
Module FI - 2410 Balance Confirmation extended for Vendor / Language from KNA1/LFA1
Internal changes and improvements for a future release
November 14th, 2022
The support package 09 for xtMail Suite Version 500 is available now. While it mostly contains bug fixes, there are also a few new features
New Features:
New recipient type (G) for a fixed e-mail address
New recipient type E (accouting clerk)
New attachment type P for archived original files (created by print and archive)
Improved Features:
New parameter KOMPBV3 (item data) for /CONLUTIO/IF_XTMS_BADI_NG method KOMKBV3_FILL
Recipient type N (NAST) supports personal numbers (e.g. ZM) now
Support for access sequences with constants in dummy output types
Support for new S/4HANA 2020 data model for storing GOS Attachments, when determining file extensions with more than 4 characters
Correction for the switch to xtMail Suite in V7 print programs (method S4_SWITCH_PDF)
Recipient type N (NAST) found too much recipients, if no default-address was maintained in partner
Signature for sender type F (accounting clerk) was filled with wrong data
Empty filename for attachments type O (GOS) in rare situations (if TOAAT-FILENAME is empty)
Contact persons with no partner function were not found (new bug from 500-08)
CC flag in dummy output type condition recipients was not reseted for further addresses
Access sequences in dummy output type with non-character fields could cause a dump
Purchasing cockpit: Navigation to contracts and scheduling agreements are working now
Purchasing cockpit: When maintaining e-mail data, partners were determined incompletely
When using print preview in ME21N, a dump could occur in NG_CHECK_RECIPIENTS_EXIST
When using the new direct upload to archive (function from 500-08) in Create-Transactions, a dump could occur
Please write a mail to if you want access to the new support package.
May 6th, 2022
The support package 08 for xtMail Suite Version 500 is available now. These are the changes in this release:
New Features:
Attachments from the "Direct upload" function can now also be stored using a document type. This way attachments are visible in the Generic Object Services after upload, and they can be stored in an external archive server instead of table /conlutio/msattu. A migration report to move old attachments from this table to the archive is coming soon.
Direct upload function can now be limited to specified file types (
xtMail Suite can now be used for new FI BTEs:
2310 Correspondence / Periodic Account Statement
2410 Customer Balance Confirmation
Additional Reply-To Address can be set now (
Enduser languages are fully re-translated for the following languages: German (DE), Englisch (EN), French (FR), Italian (IT), Spanish (ES), Simplified Chinese (ZH), Slovakian (SK)
Signatures with text-symbols to replace user information, is now working when sender-address is set from BADI method
Improvements in handling legacy data after switching from old customizing to sending profiles.
Fixed a bug causing corrupted files in some rare situations (
Fixed an issue when double clicking in attachment list opened the wrong attachment
Fixed a problem when trying to maintain mail data while creating a new document in SD (error "No parameter found for organization unit !")
Fixed a short dump when a print program tried to send an email for the same NAST record more the once (e.g. output type with "Copies" Parameter > 1).
Fixed a problem when calling the print preview in MM documents, which could cause a short dump.
If only one recipient exists, the email address of the recipient is displayed directly in the sending log again.
December 13th, 2021
New: Display archived EML-File from sending log without using GOS (Details)
New: Function to forward/repeat an e-mail in Outlook (Details)
Bug Fix: Fixed a short dump (ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY) that could rarely occur when calling the xtMail Suite dialog from sales orders.
New: Support for output type KONS in module MR (document header BKPF instead of RBKP)
New: Support for medium 7 output types is available in all modules now.
Bug Fix: Fixed a problem when adding GOS attachments from old BADI
Report /CONLUTIO/MSDUNNINGDOC is checking standard authorizations F_MAHN_BUK, F_MAHN_KOA, V_VBRK_VKO and V_VBRK_FKA now, before reading dunning documents and outgoing invoices.
General stability and performance improvements
September 14th, 2021
September 14th, 2021
Sometimes it is difficult to find out why certain parts of an email were found (or not found). With the new determination analysis, which is available from Support Package 06, there is now a new tool that makes the analysis of the origin of the data much easier.
The determination analysis can be called up from the maintenance of the mail data and provides information on all components of the e-mail.
June 6th, 2021
Starting with support package 05 it is possible to archive outgoing e-mails in EML format in the generic object services. This format can be opened in Outlook (and many other e-mail programs) and shows the complete e-mail with all its attachments. This means that the e-mail can also be forwarded from Outlook.
You can find the settings in the customizing for the xtMail Suite under Send Profiles -> Outlook Integration. These are advanced settings for the send parameters, so you should have previously maintained Send profiles per application and organizational unit.
In general, the EML generation is switched on by activating the GOS switch. A document type can optionally be given.
If you want to use a document type, you may have to make the file type EML known in transaction OAD2. In this case, use the MIME type message/rfc822.
June 6th, 2021
Cockpit Transactions: